Table of Contents

Plus Components

Material Theme closely specifies component HTML markup. Material.Blazor implements many of these as Core Components. Material.Blazor also implements further Blazor/Material Theme hybrid components that we term "Plus Components".

Component List

Component Notes
MBAnchor Anchor for a port of Blazored/Toast and Material Tooltips modified and styled for Material Theme. Place once instance of this in your Blazor app at the top of App.razor or MainLayout.razor. Requires that you register an IIMBoastService service and will throw an exception on startup if the service is not found.
MBAutocompletePagedField An autocomplete comprising a text field and a paged menu, using asynchronous methods (supplied by the caller) to provide ongoing value queries, for instance from a database.
MBAutocompleteSelectField An autocomplete comprising a text field and a menu, using asynchronous methods (supplied by the caller) to provide ongoing value queries, for instance from a database.
MBAutocompleteTextField An autocomplete comprising a text field and a menu.
MBBadge Badges that can be applied wither within HTML div's or invoked via the parameters on MBButton, MBIconButton and 'MBIconButtonToggle''.
MBBladeSet Blades inspired by Microsoft Azure
MBCarousel A carousel implementing animation using an MBSlidingContent
MBConfirmationDialog A special purpose wrapper around MBDialog that makes the user type some text correctly in order to enable a button for a specific purpose. Modelled after the GitHub confirmation forms.
MBDatePicker An implementation of the Material date picker specification for the desktop.
MBDateTimeField An implementation in the spirit of the MBNumeric fields using an input type of either 'date' or 'datetime-local'.
MBDebouncedTextField A debounced version of MBTextField
MBDivider Implements a list divider by wrapping hr and gives the option of inset and padded. This uses the mdc-list-divider styles.
MBDragAndDropList A list of user provided render fragments that can be re-ordered with drag and drop.
MBFileUploadButton A material button styled wrapper for the InputFile component.
MBFileUploadDragAndDrop A material card styled wrapper for the InputFile component that can load files either by drag and drop or clicking the card area.
MBIcon Displays an icon from the specified icon foundry or the default foundry from MBCascadingDefaults. See also MBIconHelper.
MBMenuSelectionGroup Allows grouping of menu items to enable multiple 'selected' checks
MBNumericDecimalField Wraps MBTextField to format numeric entry of a decimal.
MBNumericDoubleField A wrapper for MBNumericDecimalField for double variables.
MBNumericIntField A wrapper for MBNumericDecimalField for int variables.
MBPagedDataList A templated component for paging generic data lists using MBPaginator and applying transitions with MBSlidingContent.
MBPopover A Material Menu Surface. Renders content in a render fragment with lazy content rendering for improved page load performance, and late instantiation of contained components to ensure correct rendering. This is a prefered component over MBMenuSurface.
MBRadioButtonGroup A group of MBRadioButtons.
MBShield A simple component producing an HTML shield styled after svgs from (square, flat variety)
MBSlidingContent A templated component to provide previous/next navigation through a series of pages with light left/right and fade in/out animation.
MBSlidingTabBar An MBTabBar augmented with content displayed in a MBSlidingContent
MBToast An MBToast component used to show toast notifications`