Table of Contents


Material.Blazor has services for snackbar, toast notifications, and tooltips. These services and their functionality are optional.

Services List

Service Notes
IMBSnackbarService Manages snackbar notification. Requires an MBAnchor component and will throw an exception when you attempt to show a snackbar notification if this isn't found.
IMBToastService Manages toast notification. Requires an MBAnchor component and will throw an exception when you attempt to show a toast notification if this isn't found.
IMBTooltipService Manages tooltips. Requires an MBAnchor component and will throw an exception when you attempt to show a tooltip notification if this isn't found.

Blades Aren't a Service

MBBladeSet doesn't use a service to allow the consumer to add and remove blades, but instead declares itself as a cascading value for enclosed components to access. The reason is that there's a good use case for MBBladeSet to be used on individual pages, meaning that all blades and their data should disappear when the user navigates away. A service would be poorly suited to this requirement.

Our demonstration web app applies blades in MainLayout.razor, however you can use this component wherever makes sense for your app.