Table of Contents

Interface IMBSnackbarService


Interface for the Material.Blazor snackbar service, developed from the code base of Blazored Snackbar by Chris Sainty. Works in conjunction with a MBAnchor that must be placed in either App.razor or MainLayout.razor to avoid an exception being thrown when you first attempt to show a snackbar notification.

Throws a InvalidOperationException if ShowSnackbar(string, Action, string, string, MBNotifierCloseMethod?, bool, bool, int?, bool) is called without an MBAnchor component used in the app.

You can optionally add configuration when you add this to the service collection:

services.AddMBServices(snackbarServiceConfiguration: new MBSnackbarServiceConfiguration()
                                                                                                         Timeout = 4000,
                                                                                                         CloseMethod = MBSnackbarCloseMethod.Timeout,
                                                                                                         ... etc
public interface IMBSnackbarService



Snackbar service configuration

MBSnackbarServiceConfiguration Configuration { get; set; }

Property Value



ShowSnackbar(string, Action, string, string, MBNotifierCloseMethod?, bool, bool, int?, bool)

Shows a snackbar using the supplied settings. Only the level and message parameters are required, with the remainder haveing defaults specified by the MBSnackbarServiceConfiguration that you can supply when registering services. Failing that Material.Blazor provides defaults.

void ShowSnackbar(string message, Action action = null, string actionText = null, string additionalClass = null, MBNotifierCloseMethod? closeMethod = null, bool leading = false, bool stacked = false, int? timeout = null, bool debug = false)


message string

Body text in the snackbar

action Action

The action that is performed when the button in the snackbar is clicked (optional. if set, 'actionText' must also be set)

actionText string

The text to display in the action button in the snackbar (optional. if set, 'action' must also be set)

additionalClass string

The name of a class to be added to the snackbar surface

closeMethod MBNotifierCloseMethod?

Snackbars are intended to dismiss on their own after a few seconds, but a dedicated dismiss icon may be optionally included as well for accessibility purposes

leading bool

By default, snackbars are centered horizontally within the viewport. On larger screens, they can optionally be displayed on the leading edge of the screen (the left side in LTR, or the right side in RTL)

stacked bool

Action buttons with long text should be positioned below the label instead of alongside it

timeout int?

Length of time before autodismiss

debug bool

If true only shows snackbars when compiling in DEBUG mode



A event that will be invoked when showing a snackbar

event Action<MBSnackbarSettings> OnAdd

Event Type



A event that will be invoked when snackbars should call StateHasChanged. This will be when the configuration is updated.

event Action OnTriggerStateHasChanged

Event Type
