Namespace Material.Blazor.Internal
- ComponentFoundation
The base class for all Material.Blazor components.
- ConditionalCssClasses
This is a helper class to conditionally apply CSS classes to an HTML element. Classes are added with the "AddIf(string, Func(bool))" method. From "ToString()" just the classes satisfying the condition are returned, joined into one string.
- InputComponent<T>
This is like InputBase from Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Forms, except that it treats [CascadingParameter] EditContext as optional.
- InternalCarouselPanel<TItem>
Panel for the carousel, returning ShouldRender() => false;
- InternalDatePickerDayButton
For Material.Blazor internal use only.
- InternalDatePickerPanel
For Material.Blazor internal use only.
- InternalDatePickerYearButton
For Material.Blazor internal use only.
- InternalDragAndDropItem
For Material.Blazor internal use only.
- InternalDragAndDropSpacer
For Material.Blazor internal use only.
- InternalSnackbarAnchor
An anchor component that displays snackbar notification that you display via ShowSnackbar(string, Action, string, string, MBNotifierCloseMethod?, bool, bool, int?, bool). Place this component at the top of either App.razor or MainLayout.razor.
- InternalToastAnchor
An anchor component that displays toast notification that you display via ShowToast(MBToastLevel, string, string, MBNotifierCloseMethod?, string, string, IMBIconFoundry?, bool?, uint?, bool). Place this component at the top of either App.razor or MainLayout.razor.
- InternalTooltipAnchor
An anchor component that displays tooltips that you add, and using IMBTooltipService. Place this component at the top of either App.razor or MainLayout.razor.
- MultiSelectComponent<T, TListElement>
A DRY inspired abstract class providing MBSelect<TItem> and MBRadioButtonGroup<TItem> with validation.
- SingleSelectComponent<T, TListElement>
A DRY inspired abstract class providing MBSelect<TItem> and MBRadioButtonGroup<TItem> with validation.
- SnackbarInstance
An instance of a snackbar message.